Okay…here is my Journal for the first 10 days!!!




September 30th

Arrival Day!

Thanks to the prayers of so many warriors going into battle for me, I arrived without ANY TROUBLE on the beautiful island of Hawaii Kona!! I praise Jesus because when my body is weak through stress or worrying, His Spirit in me is made strong:) He knew I would get here with no trouble at all, so it was silly that I even stressed about it in the first place!!

When arriving at KOA airport, I was welcomed by the lovely YWAM staff who carried my luggage & packed it into this huge truck. They then welcomed me on board their YWAM bus that would drive us all the way to campus where we would go through the checking-in process! I was amazed at everyone’s sheer humility in wanting to serve me, feed me, encourage me, & just love me without even knowing me in depth. I met so many friends that I had made online which blessed me so greatly & everyone was bubbling with the joy that only comes from the Lord for this new season of adventure we’d be on!

October 1st

Friday, Day 1:

Fellowship. We woke up pretty early (I believe I woke up at 5am to have some Jesus time) & were all ready for the adventure coming ahead.

After having breakfast we went to morning worship, then the teaching in which one phrase stuck out to me the most  “The River of delight is found in the pleasures of God– that is what happy holiness is.” I guess sometimes Christian culture tries to paint holiness as anything but an intimate act between you & your creator– but it’s quite the opposite! Holiness is meant to be happy, not a feeling of suffering. It reminds me of Paul when he said he rejoices in his persecution because the joy of the Lord is truly his strength. Draw near to God & He will draw near to you– this is so true! So true & so simple to trust Him in His plans.

Later on that day, our room leader Jaz (she’s half Iranian & half German with a CRAZY testimony) took us to the beach to hang out! The beach she took us to had a ton of lava rocks that seemed to crown the waves.

As we were there, one of my roommates named Elise, was crouched down collecting shells on the beach. At that moment, the Lord gave me a specific word for her (which I didn’t tell her until later on that night). The word was this: “as you were collecting shells on the beach, the Lord spoke to me: she takes what other people find as ordinary things & makes them precious– all while glorifying me.”

YWAM Kona welcomed us with traditional Hawaiian dances, fire twirling, and wonderful welcoming through the leaders championing us & our connecting with our roommates & students that we will be with for the next 6 months.

October 2nd

Saturday Day 2: 

It’s funny how I was worried about sleeping in too much during DTS, but my body woke me up naturally at around 5:30am this morning!! I woke up feeling refreshed & hungry in the spirit. I walked around campus, laid on the grass next to a lamp post & focused my heart & mind on my sweet Jesus. Thanking Him can be one of the only gifts I can give that He doesn’t already have–so I thanked Him for every detail that came to mind!!.

At around 9 or 10am, we had brunch & it was delicious. It was a combination of french toast, fluffy eggs & sausage. I sat with my group of 8 roommates whom I already have come to love so dearly & so deeply. After that, we made our way to Ohana Court which is where worship, games, and large gatherings are held. When we got there we saw a vibrancy of colors: green, blue, red, & orange. People painted all over their bodies in these different colors getting ready for games!!

My group happened to be on the blue team, called the “Holy Tsunamis.” We decked our faces with paint, our legs with handprints, and our bodies in a fully competitive mindset ahahah. Long story short, after all the games they had prepared: WE WON!! We did this amazing dance choreography to a catchy song called “Ants in my Pants” by Not Klyde that really tipped us over to win against all the other teams. After this, we had a little picnic at the beach with my roommates & several other DTS students which was amazing.

October 3rd

Sunday, Day 3:

Sunday was a pretty relaxing day in which all we really did was chill out,

October 4th

Monday, Day 4:

Monday is always Ministry Night!! This night I was purely amazed at the glory of God & also the complete wonder & joy of the Lord among His people. Everyone in the room was so extremely focused on just the peace that Jesus gives us so freely & the wondrous love that comes with His mere presence.

On the worship team there was this woman named “Amy Ward” who was leading prophetically for worship. She took the mic & was singing in the spirit in such a gospel-filled voice that echoed into every corner of the room.

The Lord spoke to me “I’ve called you to be a guardian” talking about how I need to protect & cover my brothers & sisters in Christ through prayer. After getting this word, I started to get a little headache because I could feel the spiritual heaviness in the room & that chains were about to be broken off of those carrying what was too heavy for them. Knowing I was getting a headache for this reason, I asked the Lord to make the headache worse around those who needed prayer & comfort. Praying this prayer was difficult but so worth it!!

I started to walk around the Ohana Court until my headache would get really bad around those who needed prayer. The Lord would give me words or pictures for them & it has strengthened my faith so much!!

The Lord spoke to me “I’ve called you to be a guardian” talking about how I need to protect & cover my brothers & sisters in Christ through prayer.


One of the people I prayed for was named Jenna, she has a Demi Moore haircut as seen in that a crazy movie called “Ghost” with Patrick Swayze. I asked God for a sign on who to pray for & in that moment she fell to her knees. After that I instantly laid hands on her & let the spirit just speak the words coming to mind. She was crying a lot. I thought at first that it was because I was using colorful words, or maybe it was the soft tone of my voice, but it was far deeper than that: it was the LORD of heaven & earth speaking. In Jennas mind, she told Jesus that she would lay her burdens down at His feet & He spoke to her saying “I will send hands to comfort you & be there with you”—- when she told me this my world was rocked. I had so much fear in stepping out to pray over her but if I hadn’t, it would not have been encouraging!! the Lord truly does work absolute wonders & we serve a THE CREATOR OF THE UNIVERSE? isn’t that crazy? I am truly so so in awe of His glory & how He has blessed these hands of mine. I truly hope to continue stepping out in faith in these ways.

October 5th

Tuesday, Day 5:

Today I fell in the Spirit, laughing out loud as if I were drunk & I was SO EMBARRASSED. I was laughing so hard & so ugly that even the buddy leading worship was laughing at my laugh. A bubbling kind of joy just seeped through my whole being.

October 6th

Wednesday, Day 6:

Probably the most random  blog post about day 6 but—- I had the most amazing pasta that reminded my of my momma’s pasta. it was a fresh breath of home that I so needed!!

October 7th

Thursday, Day 7:

This man named “Frenchie” spoke today. He said something so profound that touched my core & I don’t know what to do with it yet. He said,

“Have you ever thought that maybe your gravestone is not meant to be written in English?”

I’m not sure why this hit me so hard, but it struck me like a bolt of lightning.

Later on, we went to the beach!! I hung out with my roommates & several other groups as we went together & just had fun at the Pier. I’m so so blessed knowing how much I am encouraged here, how much I am loved— but more importantly, how God is so encouraging & how God loves us where we are at. I’ve been meeting so many Godly men, so many Godly women, that I have no idea what to do with it sometimes— they are who I want to become. Fearless women of God who chase the Lord no matter the cost. Iron sharpens Iron as scripture says & every day I feel the burning sensation of being sharpened by the word & through fellowship. All I gotta say is, I’m living my best life.

October 8th, 2021

Friday, Day 8:

We woke up at the crack of dawn!! Actually, way way before that. I woke up at 4am to get ready for my 5am COVID test & 5:30am-7:30am work duties!! We all got dressed, put on our hair nets, & set forth to live out our dreams as the professional cookers we are lol (totally joking, I think i burned my hand in the process ahahahah). But serving is such a joy!! We blasted out some Christian Reggae music & jammed out the entire time as we chopped up broccoli & I made eggs afterward for all of us to eat. Today was amazing to just serve, love on others, & grow the intimacy with God & the fellowship with others that I’ve been craving.

October 9th

Saturday, Day 9:

Trying to sleep in, my body was awake. I believe I woke up maybe around 6:30am instead of my 5am routine? lol for those of you who know me too well, it sounds crazy to even think of me waking up at 9am—- let alone 6:30am. It’s crazy ahahahah, I’m definitely more of a night owl.

Later on that day, it was around 10ish, I get a call from my sweet friend Jenna. She got bit by something & was a little freaked out by it so she wanted me to go to Urgent Care with her to get it checked out. We ended up going to Urgent Care where the Doctor was full on Christian & spoke to her that she might have witchcraft in her ancestry or some form of it in her immediate family— which she did. She had collected jewelry from all over the place, just being drawn to the beauty, without realizing that some things carry a heavyweight & darkness to them. When she was told this, she immediately wanted to sacrifice & crush all the jewelry she had held dear to her. This spoke so strongly to my heart because living in Christ truly means that we are all or nothing beings!!! We can’t afford to be lukewarm, but strive to be steaming hot in the Spirit!!

October 10th

Sunday, Day 10:

Today is Sunday!! We got to celebrate my dear roommate’s birthday (her name is Emma) & we surprised the absolute socks off of her in making her feel special the entire day:) . I will admit that it’s difficult having a birthday not being surrounded by your usual friends & family: yet the LORD surrounds us with His love & comfort!!! Emma glowed like a blooming flower the entire day & was actually wearing a dress with the colors that reminded me of the one in 13 going on 30– which was so bright, so inviting, & so full of pure joy if that makes sense. We all had been so overwhelmed with just the pure excitement & adrenaline of being here & seeing the spirit moving, that having this day to just focus on pure friendship was so so needed. Emma is from Seattle, Washington where her parents are pastors at a church & I’m so grateful she’s in my room because she reminds me so much of my little sister Ella— radiating pure joy & such diversity in the expression of thoughts!!

I want to take this opportunity to thank all of those who have poured into my life with prayer and finances. As a “faith missionary” all of my financial support comes from the generous donations—whether through a “one time” gift or monthly offering— of people who believe in what I am doing. (My present pressing need: $1500 to cover the remainder of my outreach fees.) Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated!

Photo Gallery: First Ten Days

VIDEO: When I lay hands on my friends to pray for them, they begin to shake. We all agree that it must be a sign the from Holy Spirit!

VIDEO: On our way up the hill to worship the Lord!

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