Video Re-cap ~ Day Eleven
Roughin’ It for Jesus!
Hopping off the plane to enter the whole new world of Albania was crazy. None of us had had a shower in the past 2-3 days of traveling so we all anticipated the warm welcoming of steamy showers & a nice warm home. In Albania, this is indeed a luxury. We stepped into 20 degree Fahrenheit weather, which was a drastic change from our climate in Kona, Hawaii where it was always in the sunny 80s.
Coming into our apartments, we were so blessed having 3 separate ones for 13 girls to live in— because originally we were only going to have 2 apartments to live in. This was huge. We had 1 heater per apartment, and when we plugged them in, power kept going out. So we bundled up in our blankets and many of us slept together in the same bed to keep warm throughout the night— since the nights would go below 10 degrees. At this point, we hadn’t showered in 5-6 days so each day we’d have a baby-wipe shower— yes, wipes. Just taking baby wipes to rub over our body & take off the excess odor we had been accumulating, so we wouldn’t freak the people here out with how bad Americans smelt.
This in and of itself sounds really rough, but what humbled me the most was our water. i In my apartment, we noticed that our hands would sting every time we washed them. We called it “spicy water” as a joke, but quickly realized that our water was actually emitting electricity when we turned it on. We’d get shocks every 2 seconds of having our hands in the water. It sounds gross, but we’d avoid washing our hands because it hurt too much.
I personally really wanted a shower to wash my hair, but we didn’t have consistent water or warm water to work with— so I took one for the team & experimented taking a shower with the Antarctica water. The water was literally freezing & electrocuted me throughout the duration of me trying to get clean. I could see the steam of warmth leave off my body & I was praying, asking the Holy Spirit to keep me warm enough to endure so that I didn’t have any shampoo stay on my head. I could also see my breath clearly as in winter.
Electricity, running water & food is a luxury in Albania, & these past couple of days have humbled me so much—- Jesus, you’re so good. I don’t need water, electricity, or even ample food— I have you. When there’s nothing, you are there. You are my everything!
I want to take this opportunity to thank all of those who have poured into my life with prayer and finances. As a “faith missionary” all of my financial support comes from the generous donations—whether through a “one-time” gift or monthly offering— of people who believe in what I am doing. Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated!