“The Son has become greater than the angels since He has been given a name that is superior to theirs.” –(Heb.1:4).

That name is Jesus Christ, the one we magnify and the one we crucified. It was on Calvary that He died and three days later—raised back to life! Now Hebrews is what I call a ‘connecting book’ a book of the Bible that connects both the Old and the New Testament. This book was designed to reach the Jewish in faith to restore what was once lost: faith in Christ.

The old system was designed for a reason, but now a fresh perspective comes though Christ. Christ the Son restored what God the Father had created. To set up His Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven! It says in verse 8 that God said this about His Son “your throne, oh God, is forever and ever. The scepter in your Kingdom is a scepter of justice.” And in verse 9 He explains further “you have loved what is right and hated what is wrong. That is why God, your God, anointed you, rather than your companions, with the oil of joy.”

The two main heavy weights drawn from these verses is Christ’s scepter of justice and His oil of Joy!

  1. Scepter of Justice. (v.8).
  2. Oil of Joy. (v.9).

Some of the questions that arise may be:

  1. What is the scepter of justice?
  2. What does the scepter of justice look like?
  3. Why is Christ holding the sceptor?
  4. How is it possible that oil contains joy?
  5. What is the oil of joy?
  6. How can I attain this oil of Joy?

We will go over describing the two main heavy weights in verses 8 and 9—then all the questions will be answered as follows!


1. Scepter of Justice.

Destiny Rose Nielsen

This is what a King’s scepter looks like. A scepter is a ceremonial staff indicating the King’s power. So when it is written saying that Christ would carry a ‘scepter of justice’ this is phenomenal! A scepter of justice is a symbol of strength and power. Not a King who delights in travesty, but a King who delights in justice.


  1. Oil of Joy.

Destiny Rose Nielsen

The Oil of Joy is of a heavenly cistern—not an earthly one. Its magnitude stretches beyond our capacities and goes into His majesty. This oil of joy is the same oil used to anoint the head of King David. And now Christ, being King David’s descendant, also partakes in the same joy!  For He was declared the King of Kings. The pharisees declared Him such out of mockery, but little did they know that this was a victory.

Now in the very last verse of this chapter, what is revealed is of heavenly consequence. It says “What are all the angels? They are spirits sent to serve those who are going to receive salvation.” The reality of angelic appearances are meant to inspire divine consequences. Angels are designed to serve those who will receive salvation, both in eternal weight and earths glorifying her King.

Yours Truly,

Destiny Rose Nielsen.


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