Bible Notes with Prayerful Insight into the God’s purposes and wisdom for day to day life!
“Let Wisdom Reign Victoriously as the Crown of the Victor is Seated in Heavenly Places”-drn
Colossians Ch3: Heavenly Gaze
As we have been going over in the previous two chapters, there is an even greater length of knowledge to be poured out over this one! This is the chapter I call the ‘Set your Gaze’ chapter. In Colossians three, Paul sets the motivating drive to gaze upon Christ as...
Colossians Ch2: Hidden Treasures
“God has hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge in Christ” –(Col.2:3) The Apostle Paul opens chapter two by emphasizing how hard He works for the Colossians, the people of Laodicea, and for the people he has never met. (v.1). Laodicea was a nearby city...
Colossians Ch1: God Is Pleased
The Colossian church was based in a city on decline. The city of Colossae, which was once a thriving business center, began its journey into heavenly rewards. What do I mean by this? Since they were declining in producing, this seeming dilemma opened an avenue...
Ephesians Ch6: Suit Up and Buckle Up
"Suit Up and Buckle Up" This is the final chapter! If you stayed in tune with this series on the book of Ephesians, you will have had plenty to think about, and much more to set your heart on. There is so much to learn through reading God’s Word and spending time in...
Ephesians Ch5: His Love
"His Love" Ephesians chapter 5 talks about two main subjects, the latter of which I have no experience in. The first is all about living as God’s children, and the second is advice given for marriage. This chapter encourages us to live in the love of Christ. Paul...
Ephesians Ch4: Christ’s Living Gifts
"Christ's Living Gifts" Paul writes the first verse encouraging us to live a life proving God’s hand in it. Before I continue, to answer the question you may have, no this does not mean earning your inheritance! God’s hand over Paul the Apostles life exudes the Lord’s...
Ephesians Ch3: Paul Receives Power Through Kindness
"Paul Receives Power Through Kindness" Ephesians 3 starts from the ending of chapter 2. He begins to explain the reason and how he came to have responsibility for spreading the good news. Paul states that the mystery of the revelation of God was revealed to him...
Ephesians Ch2: His Kindness Unites Us
“His Kindness Unites Us” In the previous blog post we briefly explored the historical context of the church of Ephesus and the influential city he was teaching. His writing opened the doors to theological thought centered on Jesus Christ as Lord of the universe. The...
Ephesians Ch1: Chosen Through Christ
"Chosen Through Christ" The Church of Ephesus was a main hub of influence as one would not believe and was surrounded by a group of fertility worshippers. This false goddess had her little temples which surrounded the church of Ephesus during that time (c. 55 AD), and...