“God has hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge in Christ” –(Col.2:3)
The Apostle Paul opens chapter two by emphasizing how hard He works for the Colossians, the people of Laodicea, and for the people he has never met. (v.1). Laodicea was a nearby city located approximately 9 miles, or 15km, to the west of Colossae. In today’s geography, Laodicea would be in the modern-day city of Denizli, Turkey. Anyways, that’s a quick summation of historical geography. Now we know that Paul wrote to reach this body of Christ with two messages. The first to encourage relationship with Christ and the second to declare our completeness in Christ.
The two main messages:
- Relationship with Christ.
- Completeness in Christ
The five main points are:
- Riches in Christ (v.2)
- Live as Christ’s People (v.6)
- Sink and Build (v.7)
- Guard your Faith (v.8)
- Be Complete in Christ (v.10)
1. Relationship with Christ.
“You received Christ Jesus the Lord, so continue to live as Christ’s people. Sink your roots in him and build on him. Be strengthened by the faith that you were taught, and overflow with thanksgiving.” – (Col 2:6-7).
Paul is encouraging the church of Colossae to focus on relationship with Christ. Following Christ’s way, the way, versus any other way. He emphasizes the analogy of sinking roots and building deep because the Colossians were builders. They built, even if their city was in decline. The idea of sinking deep and building roots is a powerful concept to hold unto. THIS is what we are called to do in our walk with the Lord. It is to hold fast to Christ as both Lord AND Savior!
It says in verse seven to ‘be strengthened’ and ‘overflow with thanksgiving.’ What does this mean? Well just as we went over in Ephesians 6, we are strengthened by wearing our shield of faith. Our shield of faith is our knowing and accepting Christ as Lord and Savior. This is the light we shine unto the whole world as the earth shines with the beauty of Jesus. An overflow of thanksgiving comes with knowing that the price is paid for we are SAVED.
What the Lord highlighted to me was the reality of the cross and what it means to pick it up and walk. One of the movies, (which is difficult to see), is the Passion of Christ. In Mathew27, it says that Simon the Cyrene carried the cross for Jesus. What stands out is the reality that we are called to carry our own cross. In Mathew 16 Jesus tells his disciples this powerful lesson: ‘Those who want to come with me must say no to the things they want, pick up their crosses, and follow me.’ I find this to be extraordinary because Jesus foreshadowed His own crucifixion. He was preparing the hearts of His disciples for the debt to be paid. Jesus says to pick up their cross and follow him. It means that in both life and death there is power in His name. He is King, He is Lord, and He is Savior. Relationship with Christ is powerful. Jesus is THE ultimate friend and the ONLY way to the Father. (John14:6).
2. Completeness in Christ.
“All of God lives in Christ’s body, and God has made you complete in Christ. Christ is in charge of every ruler and authority” –(Col2:9-10).
This chapter focuses on completeness in Christ versus wanting approval from mankind. Paul emphasizes the point that God has made us complete in Christ. This being that Christ IS both ruler and authority in our lives. HIS perfection made way for our imperfection. What does this mean? It means that God, when He looks into the eyes of a believer, sees the perfection of Christ staring back at Him.
I find this to be one of the most powerful acknowledgments of His Kingship in my life. When God the Father looks into my eyes, He sees the perfection of His only Son staring back. His beauty shines through my life because of my faith in Him. My faith in Jesus Christ my King. Now we know that faith is not just an acknowledgement, but our faith is based on fact. The fact is that Jesus died and rose again on the third day—all to take back the keys and give us eternal life.
The magnification of Jesus as both Lord and Savior is powerful! It is He who lives in me that is greater than he who lives in the world (1John4:4). Jesus is who presides as Lord over the earth, Savior of the world. This is the power of completeness in Him versus completeness by worldly standards. When we see our failures, God sees an opportunity. And when we see opportunity, God sees His glory.
Paul writes this letter to encourage the Colossians to focus on Christ and not care about what people think. He warns them to ‘beware’ of requirements made by man, and tells them to re-focus their gaze on approval through faith. Its this same approval we went over in Ephesians, and it’s the same approval we hold unto today. It is through faith, not anything that you’ve done or will do! God is pleased because Christ is King!
Yours Truly,
Destiny Rose Nielsen.
I am so blessed by your insights into the Word, Destiny! Keep it up!