“Chosen Through Christ”
The Church of Ephesus was a main hub of influence as one would not believe and was surrounded by a group of fertility worshippers. This false goddess had her little temples which surrounded the church of Ephesus during that time (c. 55 AD), and later when Paul writes a letter to the Ephesians he writes from prison. This is some context of what resulted into the book of Ephesians we all love and quote dearly. (Eph6:10 onwards).
Ephesians Chapter 1 sums up five main points of reference that are crucial to the Christian faith:
- Our Spiritual Inheritance through Praise and Worship. (v.3)
- Adoption Through Christ. (v.5)
- The Sealing of Faith Through the Holy Spirit. (v.13)
- An Invitation to Prayer through Influence. (v.17-18)
- The Supreme Authority of Jesus Christ as Ruler. (v.21)
In verse 4, it says “Before the creation of the world, He chose us through Christ to be holy and perfect in his presence.” I love this verse because it touches base on the tangible power of God, His voice, and His love. Anyone coming to Christ receives that special invitation to enter into praise and worship (in the previous verse) and adoption through Christ (the following verse). It says that in His presence is holiness and perfection. Through His eyes we are made holy and perfect because His gaze is set upon Christ in us.
What the Lord sees is not necessarily what we see AND there is beauty in that! Beauty in fixating upon Him in the melodious meditation of the Bible. The symphonies of praise. Fixating the gaze on an outward expression of inward faith.
Verse four is sandwiched between two of the most powerful declarations made at that time to the Ephesians, and it was of spiritual nature. When Paul writes this letter he is writing to a congregation in which the worshipping of false deities was second nature—but not first nature.
First nature is worshipping the awe-struck glory of God who is the creator of the heavens and the earth, the mighty wind of the Spirit that hovered the waters, and lightning fast reflexes that stretched across the skies. What comes naturally is glorifying—we are made to glorify. Just as there was glorification happening in the times of Ephesus there is glorification happening now. The choice, however; is whom to glorify. False deities OR Jesus Christ. This is why spending time in the presence of God, glorifying His name is singlehandedly the most important part of the day.
Now I personally encourage you to pick up a pen, read Ephesians chapter one, and ask the Lord what He reveals to you in both reading and in prayer! Take it seriously, Biblical literacy is SO important in your walk with the Lord!
Yours Truly,
Destiny Rose Nielsen.
Well said. Ty, Destiny.
Thank you Ms Laura!!