Notes from Freedom Week

Notes from Freedom Week

Freedom Week (Teaching Notes)Freedom Week  (Week Three) was all about understanding our Original Design with the Lord–about understanding what He originally intended for us & how knowing that shifts our perspective to be able to draw even closer to Him with...
More Week Two Highlights

More Week Two Highlights

Okay…here is even more from my Journal!!!       more week two highlights WEEK 2 Pt 3: To express what the Lord is doing amazing hangouts with the most on fire for Jesus peeps. A special shout-out to Kira— you are so fun to be around & radiate...
Some Week Two Highlights

Some Week Two Highlights

  Okay…here is more from my Journal!!!       week two highights Part 1… To express what the Lord is doing over my life in simple words would be this: He’s blessed me with His presence & His people.   This week we learned about...
My Journal: First Ten Days!

My Journal: First Ten Days!

Okay…here is my Journal for the first 10 days!!!       September 30th Arrival Day! Thanks to the prayers of so many warriors going into battle for me, I arrived without ANY TROUBLE on the beautiful island of Hawaii Kona!! I praise Jesus because...