Hey friends & family!

I am beyond excited to share with you all the vision that the Lord imparted upon me this season. As you all know, I have been a fulltime missionary reaching hearts with the love of Jesus. My severe passion is to make Him known to everyone I meet—He is so worthy to be praised! I love my sweet Jesus, He has poured into me what no other being could possibly give. Jesus has given me an Eternal Identity and has called me a Prophetic Evangelist. The term ‘Prophetic Evangelist’ came during some time in the prayer closet. The Lord clearly declared over my life saying ‘I’ve called you to be a Prophetic Evangelist, you will shift hearts towards my presence.’ I was blown away by this direct word—and I’m so grateful for it!

One of the aspects of ministry I’m so grateful for is YOU ALL. My friends and family have given so much encouragement that I may as well burst at the seams. Being a fulltime missionary has had its struggles. I have experienced warfare to a degree I possibly wouldn’t experience otherwise. However, I have seen souls delivered, bones heal, and people transformed! My ‘yes’ to Jesus is so worth it!

Another tangible example of His glory is shown in my prayer life. As I pray, the Lord literally gives me pictures of who to pray for! Not only this, but what to pray for! During this walk, I have prayed for an estimate of 632 people this past year. (I count because I’d like to stay fervent).

Prayer is so essential in the Body of Christ and cannot be extinguished. Just as the name Jesus needs to be proclaimed outwardly, so does He need to be King inwardly. When we pray, we are building up the temple of our hearts to be centered on His Kingship. This is why prayer is so important!  Prayer is the tool that is used to cultivate the gifts of the Spirit to be used in the domain of His Kingdom. My greatest desire is that my prayer life would build up inward palaces to hold the Shekinah Glory of Jesus. I want there to be a burning altar giving praise to His name beyond my own ability. This is why prayer is echoed into eternity, all for His glory!

What was Accomplished this Past Year:

  1. Albania Missions! I had the honor of spending the New Year and Valentines in Albania, working with the abused women and children in the heart of the city ‘Elbasan.’ In this city, I worked alongside a team of women, where we focused spreading the love of Jesus to the muslim world! (This was how I started the year 2022.)
  2. Graduated Discipleship Training School focused on Media Production! This really ushered in a desire to go deeper with Jesus. It taught me so much about hearing the voice of God and learning to live in Godly community. This season of teaching taught me to be more adamant about spreading the Good News of Jesus to everyone I meet! (This was in March 2022)
  3. Moved to Utah! I moved to Salt Lake City Utah to work full-time at Amazon for a season. The hours were rough since I worked graveyard shift—but all to earn money to extend His glory! During this time, I spent quality time with my big sister Chelsey. Then I was able to help her move from Salt Lake to Vancouver! This was a BIG move, involving 2 cars and a UHAUL truck—so God showered me with His endless grace!
  4. Back Home! I came back home with my Dad and brother, living in the beautiful city of Chapala, Jalisco. During this season, I’ve been able to prophetically evangelize and enter into God’s rest. In resting, I expanded the Lord’s ministry into digitally marketing the Gospel. What do I mean by this? Well for starters, I added a new section to my website—solely focused on Bible Blogs! I have been able to go over 5 books of the Bible so far, and now I am unto the 6th one which is Hebrews! In addition to this, I created a ‘Dearly Loved’ podcasting network centered on Biblical understanding and the Prophetic in day to day life. The Lord made it very clear to me that as long as I were to be on earth, the time would be used serving Him. So this is my mission!
  5. I’m Moving to KC! That’s right, I’m moving again and now to Kansas City, Missouri! Recently I applied to IHOPU which is ‘International House of Prayer University’! This move is a big one, In which I’ll be pursuing ministry preparation with a great team of Jesus freaks. I received the acceptance letter to the ‘Forerunner School of Ministry’ program and am aiming to dive into IHOP’s global vision. What do I mean by this? Well, IHOP is singlehandedly the only Christian organization that has a Global Prayer movement 24/7. So for 24hrs, 7 days a week, there is this mission for constant prayer. As some of you may or may not know, I have a prayer closet—so being a part of IHOPU is a dream come true! My first set of classes are as follows:
    1. Growing in Prayer.
    2. Intro to the Global Prayer Movement.
    3. Song of Solomon.
    4. Foundations of Grace.
    5. Encounter God Studies (Intimacy with the Trinity in John 17).
    6. Prayer & Ministry Practicum.

What to Pray for:

The most important aspect of my faith in Jesus is the reality of prayer. If you all could pray, and become part of my prayer team, I would be so grateful! These are 5 areas where prayer would be most effective:

  1. Pray for hearts to come to Jesus.
  2. Pray for my family’s health and well-being.
  3. Pray for miracles, signs, and wonders to display the glory of Jesus Christ.
  4. Pray for the Spirit of Boldness to overcome me as I preach the Gospel.
  5. Pray for my feet (ever since I was little, I have walked crookedly).

The Miracles I’m Believing for:

God is in the miracle making business, He is King and He shows it!”

  1. For my mom to be healed completely of Fibromyalgia.
  2. Financial breakthrough ($3,598).
  3. Safety! I’m 4’11 and called to preach the mighty word of Christ.
  4. For divine encounters! That those I reach would have dreams of Jesus.
  5. For God to reveal more of Himself to me as the days go by!

What God has Revealed this Season:

In one word—its His devotion. Jesus is the epitome of eternal devotion and His love for me breaks all barriers. During this time, He has shown me how devoted He is and how committed He is to seeing me grow. I’m so blessed by this because I know that as I abide in Him I will grow in unceasing joy. That joy will spill to the ends of the earth and display His eternal glory. My story goes deeper as its entrenched in the narrative of Christ crucified. He died, so that I may live abundantly for His glory! I’m in the Kingdom Building Business! How great is that? It’s no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me.

Again, I am so beyond blessed by each and EVERY one of you. The blessings I have received have been too numerous to count. The Lord has shown me first had the grandeur of being in HIS plan. So thank you for being so much a part of it!

Yours Truly,

Destiny Rose Nielsen.


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