Hey friends & family! I am beyond excited to share with you all the vision that the Lord imparted upon me this season. As you all know, I have been a fulltime missionary reaching hearts with the love of Jesus. My severe passion is to make Him known to everyone I...
Childlike Faith

Childlike Faith

Thank you to EVERYONE for the birthday wishes! Okay, now to talk about the real amazing things that are going on. On November 8th the Lord encouraged me to post on my instagram “God loves the 45 and so do I.” I thought to myself “Okay Lord,...
Abortion is Wrong.

Abortion is Wrong.

2:25pm Wednesday, September 28th. We all rejoiced when we heard the news that the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade–a SCOTUS mandate that had stood since 1973, insuring that no state could restrict open access to abortion acress the land. The...
The Adventure Never Ends

The Adventure Never Ends

Hey Friends & Family!!! I pray for you all & thank God every day for every bit of encouragement, the prophetic words, prayers & financial support that He’s blessed me with through you. I’d love to update you all on what’s happened throughout...
Happy New Year 2022!

Happy New Year 2022!

Hey Friends & Family!!! Happy New Year! My hope and prayer for you is that God will open doors of grace and blessing that you never imagined possible. What a Mighty God we serve! I have included here some highlight photos of our New Year celebrations and service...
My 37 Hour Trip to Albania

My 37 Hour Trip to Albania

Hey Friends & Family!!! We traveled across the globe over the span of 37 hours—- all during Christmas!! My team–11 of 12 girls in total– left KOA Hawaii Airport at around 2 pm on the 23rd of December & arrived on Christmas day at around 2 pm!!...