Bible Notes with Prayerful Insight into the God’s purposes and wisdom for day to day life!
“Let Wisdom Reign Victoriously as the Crown of the Victor is Seated in Heavenly Places”-drn
Galatians Ch6: Examine your Heart
First things first: importance comes through the one who bestows importance. As Paul writes to the Galatians, he writes this chapter calling forth both purity AND authentic action. (v.4). No one likes, or even can stand, a believer lacking authenticity. A believer...
Galatians Ch5: We Are Free!
We are free so we enjoy the benefits of being free (v. 1) AND we are firm in our standing of freedom (v.2). The Apostle Paul declares that the moment the ‘uncircumcised’ enter the realm of the circumcised they will no longer be free. What I believe this to mean is...
Galatians Ch4: We Are His Heirs!
The Apostle Paul declares to us, and the people of Galatia, that we are God’s children! By being His children, we have also become His heirs. (v.7). ‘His heirs’ meaning Christ’s heirs. In this chapter we are not only encouraged to seek heritage in Christ but also...
Galatians Ch3: Faith Stamps Approval
The title of this message is a simple one with astronomical ramifications. It is a simple statement which can be said in a multitude of ways! (And should be expressed in many ways). Galatians chapter three goes over the concept of faith to stupid people. Quite...
Galatians Ch2: The Gift of Apostleship
Paul enters the stage in Galatians chapter two in a phenomenal way. He travels to Jerusalem to show how he has spread the GOOD NEWS to non-jews. In doing this he speaks to important people and spies crash the meeting. These spies were false Christians trying to...
Galatians Ch1: The Good News is Christ
lThe Apostle Paul addresses the Galatians in a life-and-death argument. Through this argument he encourages the Galatians to seek authentic relationship with the Son of the Living God. This argument was written c.48 AD and portrays living in Christ vs living without...
2Peter Ch3: Day of the Lord!
This last chapter of the book of 2 Peters is fixated upon the day of the Lord. The very first verse starts with Peter wanting to ‘refresh’ the mind of the believer for what’s to come. In the following verse he says to remember the words spoken by both the prophets AND...
2Peter Ch2: Beware of Dried-Up Springs
2Peter chapter two opens in the very first verse by saying ‘false prophets were among God’s people in the past as false teachers will be among you. They will secretly bring in their own destructive teachings. They will deny the Lord, who has bought them, and they will...
2Peter Ch1: Growth in the Spirit
This book of the Bible was written around 65AD and was a professing letter to call Christians into a growing in faith in Jesus Christ. (v5-v7) G R O W T H: Faith-----> Integrity. Integrity----->Knowledge. Knowledge----->Self-Control....
Colossians Ch4: Opportunity Arise
This is the final chapter of the book of Colossians! I have personally really enjoyed going over this series, sharing my personal notes is a joy and a pleasure in Kingdom building! Following the Biblical narrative centered on Jesus as Lord and Savior holds the most...