Hey Friends & Family!!!
I pray for you all & thank God every day for every bit of encouragement, the prophetic words, prayers & financial support that He’s blessed me with through you.
I’d love to update you all on what’s happened throughout this past month & the visions God has given me for what’s ahead!!
We spent a couple of our last weeks in Albania tying up loose ends & solidifying friendships we had made since being there and…
What a way to wrap up outreach in the Middle East?? Jesus was so kind to us in showing us the fruits of our efforts. We got to see some of the seeds that we had planted for 2 months sprout & grow! Other seeds that we have planted during our stay are some we may never get to see the fruit of, but…
The Lord was so kind in letting us see even any fruit during our stay!!
Here are some pictures of those who gave their lives to Jesus!! (including the Pastors son Xhijel, far right)
We left for graduation towards the beginning of March!!
Graduation for Discipleship Training School was held in Cancun due to COVID regulations in not letting us go back to Kona. None of us complained since we were all in need of some warmth after having been in Albania LOL. Graduation week for DTS has always been meant as a time to debrief the experiences of outreach, to share testimonies of what God has been doing in the nations, and to prepare us for what it looks like going home. We had worship almost every night and got to just praise Jesus for all that He’s done in the nations we were sent out to. They held information sessions with different speakers covering several topics of how to process all that happened during outreach. Then to top it off we had one final night of saying goodbye to all our life-long friends made during DTS and outreach.
Here are some pictures of graduation! A picture with me and my outreach team, also some pictures with my room leader back in Kona.
The Lord has called me into full time Missions!!!
I never in my wildest imaginations thought that I would be up for full time missions, but when He calls we get the honor of saying yes!!
A passage in scripture that inspired such childlike faith in me is Isaiah 6. When God asks Isaiah “whom shall I send?” the young Isaiah, full of eagerness, replies “Here I am. send me!”
This teaches us the simplicity of what following God really looks like. Isaiah was called to preach to a nation that would constantly ignore his prophetic warnings and all that the Lord had given him to say. Instead of being disappointed with this task, he eagerly accepted it because regardless of the sacrifice, he recognized that obedience to God is always worth it.
As missionaries there’s a lot of sacrifice that is directly tied to the blessings He pours out. When we are rejected by the world, we have the promise that we will never be rejected by Him. When we are poor in Spirit, Jesus calls us blessed because ours is the Kingdom of Heaven. After I weighed the worldly sacrifice of what it would mean to step into full time missions, It’s easy to say that Jesus is so SO worth it.
If any of you would like to support and partner with me in this adventure of Making Him Known, please reach out ask any questions that come to mind!! (more details towards the end of this newsletter).
For every one missionary going out into the nations, there are 12 missionaries at home partnering to make it happen.
I am currently in an online Prophetic School with YWAM Potch (located in South Africa) and I will be graduating from this school in May! (We are learning what hearing the voice of God looks like in Biblical context and how the Lord spoke to prophets in the Old and New Testament!)
This Summer and Fall the Lord is leading me to make a one year commitment of being on Staff at YWAM Kona where I will be serving the base there in taking on a group of students to disciple during their DTS and then leading teams to the nations on outreach!!
The Leadership School starts July 17th which will last for 3 months, then the next DTS starts this September 29th!!
During this special time before making the full adjustment into full time missions, I am staying with my wonderful parents here in Chapala Mexico. I’m always so amazed that God would bless me with the absolute best parents in the world!! They’ve championed me in my calling like no one else ever has.
Hopefully next month I will be able to join my sister Chelsey to work 2-3 jobs for a season in order to help pay for staffing fees and her DTS tuition (& the next crucial project I will be sharing in the next paragraph) in Kona.
The Lord spoke to me back in November of DTS that my sister would be sent after me!!
Chelsey has been wanting to do a DTS for longer than I have probably been alive, and after praying about it fervently with my parents, we all agreed that the time is now!! She has applied for the September 2022 Fire & Fragrance DTS!! If any of you would like to partner in prayer with us and/or give financially towards what God is doing in her life– please feel free to donate to her GiveSendGo!!
During this transtion period of stepping into full time missions, I am creating a Prayer Support team!! If any of you (some of you already have) feel led to partner with God and what He is doing in and through my life, please dont hesitate to reach out! Its a leap of faith going out into the nations to spread the Gospel, and Im so expectant for whats to come and how God provides as He always does.
Here is my GiveSendGo link, below:
I’m truly so beyond honored and grateful to all the Champions and Warriors who read my newsletters!! Its so much sweeter being able to do ministry where God takes me whilst sharing it with those closest to me. Each of you have helped me grow in different ways and I would not be on the mission field had it not been for thousands of prayers lifted up to the heaven. In the same way, please let me know what I can be keeping you all in prayer for!!
From the core of my heart to yours,
I want to take this opportunity to thank all of those who have poured into my life with prayer and finances. As a “faith missionary” all of my financial support comes from the generous donations—whether through a “one-time” gift or monthly offering— of people who believe in what I am doing. Your prayers and support are greatly appreciated!

Outstanding exegesis, Destiny!!
Thank you for your words, I prophecy Psalm1:3 over you and your family! May the Lord on high richly bless…
Thanks, Destiny, for making the Biblical text come alive. I love your writing style, and the refreshing clarity with which…
Thank you so much! I deeply enjoyed writing it, the Lord is extravagant in His beauty!
I really enjoyed reading this, Destiny. Powerful insights on the one day - thousand years comparison! Love your style of…