by DRJ | Feb 24, 2023 | Bible Blog
“His Love” Ephesians chapter 5 talks about two main subjects, the latter of which I have no experience in. The first is all about living as God’s children, and the second is advice given for marriage. This chapter encourages us to live in the love of...
by DRJ | Feb 23, 2023 | Bible Blog
“Christ’s Living Gifts” Paul writes the first verse encouraging us to live a life proving God’s hand in it. Before I continue, to answer the question you may have, no this does not mean earning your inheritance! God’s hand over Paul the Apostles life...
by DRJ | Feb 22, 2023 | Bible Blog
“Paul Receives Power Through Kindness” Ephesians 3 starts from the ending of chapter 2. He begins to explain the reason and how he came to have responsibility for spreading the good news. Paul states that the mystery of the revelation of God was revealed...
by DRJ | Feb 21, 2023 | Bible Blog
“His Kindness Unites Us” In the previous blog post we briefly explored the historical context of the church of Ephesus and the influential city he was teaching. His writing opened the doors to theological thought centered on Jesus Christ as Lord of the universe. The...
by DRJ | Feb 20, 2023 | Bible Blog
“Chosen Through Christ” The Church of Ephesus was a main hub of influence as one would not believe and was surrounded by a group of fertility worshippers. This false goddess had her little temples which surrounded the church of Ephesus during that time (c....
Outstanding exegesis, Destiny!!
Thank you for your words, I prophecy Psalm1:3 over you and your family! May the Lord on high richly bless…
Thanks, Destiny, for making the Biblical text come alive. I love your writing style, and the refreshing clarity with which…
Thank you so much! I deeply enjoyed writing it, the Lord is extravagant in His beauty!
I really enjoyed reading this, Destiny. Powerful insights on the one day - thousand years comparison! Love your style of…