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Hey friends & family! I am beyond excited to share with you all the vision that the Lord imparted upon me this season. As you all know, I have been a fulltime missionary reaching hearts with the love of Jesus. My severe passion is to make Him known to everyone I...

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Strongholds Of Grace

Strongholds Of Grace

“The Plans of the Heart belongs to humans, but an answer on the tongue comes from the Lord.” –(Proverbs 16:1) Hey Friends & Family! I have several words to impart upon you reading this & a special prayer attached! I pray the miraculous to be unfolded in His...

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Watch Men

Watch Men

G L O R Y... G L O R Y... G L O R Y “There was an old man in Elbasan, don’t ask me his name. He pointed to my heart he explained. I was bewildered, but now I know—he was pointing at the show! The Gospel indeed, is everyone’s friend in need. But more than that, Heaven...

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Eat a Scroll Anyone?

Eat a Scroll Anyone?

(For the historian) A special shoutout to Liz! She sent me a song called "25" and this is what is amazing about it. On November 18th at 8pm the Holy Spirit brought up Hezekiah. Let's be honest, who the heck is this guy? Okay I just broke the ice because let's face it,...

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Childlike Faith

Childlike Faith

Thank you to EVERYONE for the birthday wishes! Okay, now to talk about the real amazing things that are going on. On November 8th the Lord encouraged me to post on my instagram "God loves the 45 and so do I." I thought to myself "Okay Lord, let's go!!" The message...

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Abortion is Wrong.

Abortion is Wrong.

2:25pm Wednesday, September 28th. We all rejoiced when we heard the news that the United States Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade--a SCOTUS mandate that had stood since 1973, insuring that no state could restrict open access to abortion acress the land. The result:...

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The Adventure Never Ends

The Adventure Never Ends

Hey Friends & Family!!! I pray for you all & thank God every day for every bit of encouragement, the prophetic words, prayers & financial support that He’s blessed me with through you. I'd love to update you all on what's happened throughout this past...

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The Plight of Women in Elbasan

The Plight of Women in Elbasan

Hello Friends & Family!!! Here in Albania, the mosques pay each family 150 euro to attend the mosque per month, essentially buying their conversion. Since families are so poor in this nation, they will go to each service in order to receive the money they need in...

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Sundays: A Place of Refuge

Sundays: A Place of Refuge

Hey Friends & Family!!! The majority of churchgoers in service here are women & children. What it looks like at home for a woman here in Albania is that she has no voice, no opinions of her own, and her sole calling is to be a good housewife and to care for...

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What Ministry Looks Like

What Ministry Looks Like

Hey Friends & Family!!! The needs of Albania are centered on Prison Ministry, Women’s ministry, youth ministry, discipleship in the growing church, and raising up a stronger foundation by teaching the Word of God. Ministry was interesting when we first arrived....

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Champions and Warriors

Champions and Warriors

Champions and WarriorsThis is a heartfelt tribute to all of you who have stood in the gap for me. Thank You! I want to take this opportunity to thank all of those who have poured into my life with prayer and finances. As a "faith missionary" all of my financial...

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Day Eleven In Albania

Day Eleven In Albania

Video Re-cap ~ Day ElevenRoughin’ It for Jesus! Hopping off the plane to enter the whole new world of Albania was crazy. None of us had had a shower in the past 2-3 days of traveling so we all anticipated the warm welcoming of steamy showers & a nice warm home. In...

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Happy New Year 2022!

Happy New Year 2022!

Hey Friends & Family!!! Happy New Year! My hope and prayer for you is that God will open doors of grace and blessing that you never imagined possible. What a Mighty God we serve! I have included here some highlight photos of our New Year celebrations and service...

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My 37 Hour Trip to Albania

My 37 Hour Trip to Albania

Hey Friends & Family!!! We traveled across the globe over the span of 37 hours—- all during Christmas!! My team--11 of 12 girls in total-- left KOA Hawaii Airport at around 2 pm on the 23rd of December & arrived on Christmas day at around 2 pm!! (Olivia, the...

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December 2021 Update

December 2021 Update

Hey Friends & Family!!! The Lord has been so kind to me during my time in DTS. He has filled my life with such intimacy in knowing Him, a deeper revelation of who He is & the calling He has over my life, & the sweet lifelong friendships He’s blessed me...

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November 2021 News (and Birthday) Update

November 2021 News (and Birthday) Update

Hey Friends & Family!!! As all of you know, I’m doing a Discipleship Training School with YWAM at the University of the Nations here in Kailua-Kona! Jesus has opened so many doors for me to even be here, and the prayers sown by everyone has blessed me so so...

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